Then came lower 6, and boy oh boy, everything was Johnrose's fault 🤦‍♂️
I was officially dubbed a rapist
And for reasons unknown
Everyone claimed I raped Emma 😑
To this day, Emma and I never did anything sexual
I would put my hand on a stack of Bibles and say that
However, @KnownAssailant is convinced Tekyia and I did something and used Dario's washcloth to clean it up 😑😑
To which I also deny 😤😤
So yes, lower 6 was nothing but trouble
I was accused of liking little girls 😑
Accused of raping Emma
Shontora accused me of raping her in the art room
Danyele accused me of wanting to rape her
To this day, I say bring the evidence
The worst part of lower 6 was caused by Johnrose
As usual lol
He spoke to a 1st form girl and told her that iiiiiiiiiiiiii wanted to see her
She was extremely posh by the way
So her mother came to the school and spoke to the guidance counselor
Again with the guidance counselor 🤦‍♂️
So add to the fact that Danyele had spoken to her about me wanting to rape her
And now she has a parent complaining to her
It wasn't looking good for me
So she wanted to see me after class
I figure oh, I'm getting some kind of scholarship
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