Day 7: #WhyweloveRiseoftheTMNT

This is gonna be a long thread cause there are so many reasons I and I think the fan base loves #RiseOfTheTMNT too πŸ˜Šβ€πŸ‘πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’
First reason I love #RiseOfTheTMNT is definitely because of the turtles I love their personalities voices, brotherly bonds, and looks I've always loved the idea of them being different species of turtle since it was announce on February 1st of 2018 and i still love it πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘β€
I also love that the turtles feel more like teenage brothers in rise you can tell just by the way they look and act in the show that they're just teenage boys who just want to have fun in any way they can they don't take threats too seriously yet but can definitely see potential
Next reason I love #RiseOfTheTMNT is splinter ivenalways really liked rise splinters design and his characters personality I always found it to be something new fresh and funny but I love him even more as he is the first splinter we are supposed to see as flawed in the franchise
Which is definitely a huge positive in my opinion as I feel all splinter of the past were supposed to be seen as perfect when they really weren't they all had their own mistakes in their past and I'm really happy that rise splinter acknowledged that and plays into that β€πŸ€πŸ‘
Of course one of my favorite characters in rise is april oneil i love this version of april so much from her design, to her voice, to her personality it's all just so great I especially love the fact that she feels more of like a sister to the turtles and is even along to fight
Now for the really fun parts of the show the villains omg I love the villains in this show so much they're all funny and unique compared to one another they all look great and have really good voices and designs and they all feel like classic TMNT villains πŸ˜β€πŸ‘πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’
Speaking of villains these are definitely some of the more interesting villains the FOOT CLAN! I love the foot in #riseofthetmnt the mystic elements to them are great and i love all the designs and personalities of the members from the origami ninjas to the top of the clan ❀
And of course the most interesting and exciting take to a character #RiseOfTheTMNT has done so far SHREDDER I love what this show has done to shredder a demon who possesses those who wear the dark armor the kuroi yoroi that is such a cool idea and has potential to be the
Strongest, most deadly, shredder yet while as of me making this thread we've only seen him in a beast like form I can only imagine how much more dangerous he will be when he gains his full sanity he is already one of my favorite shredders in the franchise β€πŸ‘
Now on to the cast and crew of #RiseoftheTMNT ,first the cast I love this cast so much the work they put into playing these iconic characters and bringing something fresh and new to them just amazes and inspires me on so many levels I love their chemistry between each other
With in the characters they play and even off screen you can tell that they all just enjoy being around each other as much as their characters do not to mention the casting for this show is perfect every actor is the character they play in personality and most of the time even
Looks similar to the character they play I love each and every voice actor on the show and couldn't think of anyone better to play these characters in fresh, new, and exciting new ways, sending lots of love to the cast of #RiseOfTheTMNT
@OmarMiller @rejectedjokes @BrandonSmithCEO @KatGraham #joshbrener @bauzilla
Thank you all so much to all you amazing work on #RiseoftheTMNT I love each ofmyoumso much and am so inspired by the work you all do on this AMAZING show and how you bring these characters to life 😊❀
And now for the creators I'd like to thank both @wolfboy74 and @Ward_Ant for creating such an amazing show with great characters,artstyle, animation and story, this is such a great addition to the tmnt franchise with its posifive message it sends to it audience thank you so much
Now for a huge thanks to the crew behind #RiseOfTheTMNT I've never seen a shows crew be this collaborative with it's fans before you can tell not only do they love what they're creating but they also love the fans and try to shout them out as much and they can,I appreciate it
Speaking of fan appreciation i also love #RiseOfTheTMNT fandom it the most positive friendly and kindest fandom out there I've never been apart of a fandom that supports each other and the creators,crew, and cast as much as rise you can just feel the love fans have towards rise
I think its safe to say I love pretty much everything and everyone involved with this series it's cast,crew, story,characters,thenes,and fans are great and I think not only is that the reason I love rise of the tmnt but also the reason #Whyweloveriseofthetmnt πŸ˜Šβ€πŸ‘πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’
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