Are they you know.... Narrative foils?

Some things I find interesting about these 2, is that both were these smol tiny kids who were only valued for their quirks and future potential as heroes. They didn't get much of a choice to pick their future and thrown right into it. +
Both were trained in cages you could say. But while Hawks or should I say Keigo remained in the cage but longs to be free, touya broke free after his "d*ath"

Dabi wants to change hero society, whilst Hawks was raised to mentain it.
Having Dabi of all people to reveal Hawks' name, (the name he was forced to leave behind) let's Hawks view Dabi as what he could've been, if he was free from his cage.

Dabi is free and Hawks isn't.
On a quick side note, having hawks k*ll twice, the one who suggested to him to be free in his villian persona. Is the same as Hawks k*lling the side of him that wants to be free. Giving up his personal dreams for society.
AGAIN ASSUMING Dabi is touya, Dabi had to give up his family in order to carry out the justice he believes is right.

I personally think it mattered to him, not matter what he says.
Having Dabi burn Hawks' wings.

If Dabi is an image of what Hawks could be outside his cage. That's his past burning Hawks' wings, keeping him from being the puppet of the HC and making him face what he gave up.
Even better that Dabi revealed himself to Hawks, which might even make him question if Dabi is similar to him. Having to give up his name for his goals.

As well as question everything again, because the man he looks up to has a son turned villian.

Okay I rambled alot bye
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