(If you follow me and your not in WI, then sorry but we're having a bit of a moment here. Here's my voting selfie for your enjoyment. What's the opposite of "smizing"? Smangry?)
1) If you were fortunate enough to receive an absentee ballot, return it. If at all possible, please take your ballot to one of these drop offs as early in the day as possible (drop offs close at 8pm) to ensure it arrives on time
2) If you need a witness to sign it there are election officials at the drop sites to do so. Drop sites are:
Zablocki Library
Bay View Library
Washington Park Library
Mill Road Library
Frank P. Zeidler Municipal Building
3) You can mail absentee ballots too, but they must be postmarked by today and must arrive by the 13th. But like I said, dropping off today ensures your vote gets counted. That's important.
4) If you are venturing out to vote today, please take precautions. Wear a mask or tie a bandana/scarf around your mouth and nose before you go. Be exceedingly kind to poll workers and other voters. Smile with your eyes. Be patient. Thank the poll workers. Don't touch your face.
5) Bring your own black pen to fill out a ballot. Wash your hands before removing your mask, and then again after. Wipe down your phone, keys, pen and ID with alcohol when you get home.
6) The five places in Milwaukee you can vote are:
Riverside High School
Marshall High School
South Division High School
Washington High School and
Hamilton High School
If your'e not sure where you're supposed to vote visit  and type in your address.
7) If you're not registered to vote yet, you can do this online before you go! Use the MyVote site above to do so.

If you're still in line at 8pm, STAY IN LINE. You have the right to vote even if you're still waiting.
8) Regardless of if you were able to vote or not, file a complaint here:  if you need help with verbiage based on your experience DM me and I can help you. Words are kind of my thing 🙂
9) If you know someone who worked the polls today, reach out to them and see if you can help deliver groceries or other necessities the next two weeks while they are quarantining after all this exposure.
10) If you have some BIG FEELINGS about all this and need someone to talk to, DM me. I'm listening.
11) NOW FOR EVERYONE ELSE! (are all your non-Sconnies still reading? I feel the love, thanks!)

Whether you live in Wisconsin or not, please call your senators and ask them to support the Natural Disaster and Emergency Ballot Act that was introduced last month.
12) This act expands early and mail-in voting options, which helps all American citizens exercise their constitutional right to vote-even amid unprecedented circumstances. Supporting this legislation is key to upholding one of the core pieces of who we aspire to be as Americans.
13) One of the things that America prides itself on is being a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. This ideal is impossible to live up to when we are denying people their right to vote through not addressing structural hardships and access barriers.
14) Okay! Stay well friends, thank your poll workers and call your Senators ❤️

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