Okay so I've worked out what my issue is and discovered something really interesting at the same time https://twitter.com/BirdTickler/status/1247589295701012480
I was confident that Siege's screen didn't vibrate when hipfiring and when I actually went and looked it turns out it does, but what actually happens is very interesting.
So here's the two game side by side with the crosshair blocked out. The screen shake looks worse in Siege, like it looks really bad, so how come I never even noticed it?
Okay so here's the two games side by side with the edges blocked out, and here is where i've realised what the issue is
Now here's me controlling the recoil in both games with the same bars so it only shows crosshair (admittedly you don't really hipfire in Siege much anyway but you get the point)
Siege only shakes the edge of the screen where I only see it in my peripherals. CS:GO shakes the whole damn screen making me feel like my target is vibrating even if i'm controlling my recoil.

One sec i'll show it with a Siege ACOG and a CS AUG in scope or something
Here's a comparison ADS'd

I had to pan the edit up to keep the target in sight on the CSGO one but i'm confident that is not affecting the shaking
So here's my issue

CS has a fixed crosshair. it models recoil visibly by shaking the entire screen and gameplay wise having them follow a pattern above where your cursor is, you can control it by following the recoil pattern (pulling mouse down) but that doesn't stop the shake
Siege: The bullet goes where your crosshair is exactly, It models recoil by shaking the edge of the screen or the gun model visibly and gameplay wise by moving the crosshair and entire screen at once to point where shot goes. If you control the recoil the screen is less shakey.
I'm so glad I'm not imagining this because it has been driving me nuts. This is also maybe why I can tell whats happening in Valorant easier than in CS:GO, and im confident I will shoot a lot better in it, but why my wife thinks the game looks like they're all using airsoft guns
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