A thread of 40 LOVE questions (Quote/reply with answers) and RT for others.

1. How do you know when you love someone?
2. How did you know you loved your partner/ex?
3. Do you think once you love someone, you will ALWAYS love them? Or do you think love can fade away with time?
4. What’s the first thing you notice about someone when you fall for them?
5. What’s one thing about love that scares you?
6. Do you believe in love at first sight?
7. Was it love at first sight with your lover/ex?
8. Which do you agree with? Love should always feel comfortable, or love should always feel new and exciting?
9. Is romantic love the most important love of all?
10. What do you think makes people fall out of love?
11. What makes you fall out of love?
12. Do you believe people can change if they love someone?
13. Do you think knowing whether or not it’s love depends on how long you’ve known the person?
14. If you love someone, is unfaithfulness/cheating something that can be forgiven?
15. Would you still be able to love someone after they’ve been unfaithful?
16. What’s worse, an emotional affair or a physical one?
17. What constitutes cheating/unfaithfulness for you?
18. How long do you think it takes before you know you love someone?
19. When it comes to cheating, forgive and forget, forgive but don’t forget, or don’t forgive at all?
20. Do you believe love changes you?
21. Is forever something you think about with your lover?
22. Do you think the way your family loves has affected the way you love?
23. Who’s one couple you know that you admire in terms of love?
24. Do you think people should change themselves to find love?
25. What do you think is the most important factor of keeping love alive in a relationship?
26. Would you rather have EXTRAORDINARY love that doesn’t last forever, or ORDINARY love that does?
27. Do you believe you can be friends with someone you loved in the past?
28. What do you think is the most important part of a romantic relationship?
29. What’s more important, physical connection or emotional?
30. What makes a relationship healthy?
31. Is sex more of a physical connection for you, or emotional?
32. Have you ever loved someone who you hoped would change for you?
33. Have you ever changed yourself to make someone love you?
34. If you had a child what’s the first thing you would teach them about love?
35. Do you believe vulnerability is a good thing when it comes to love?
36. What’s the most vulnerable way you let someone into your life?
37. Which makes you fall in love with someone more, physical attraction or a non-physical connection?
38. What’s the craziest thing you’d do for love?
39. Define love in 5 words.
40. Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner/a close friend. Share a total of 5 items.
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