it is so very obvious to me that the vast majority of trads on this website have never had to go through the difficulty of being a homosexual, and don't have anyone very close to them who has had to suffer through it.
and yes, it is absolutely a suffering when you are a religious person because of the absolute monstrosity every church is in when it comes to this topic.

"do this, and you're going to hell" IS NOT A WAY TO COMMUNICATE ANYTHING.
stop acting as if the burden that is homosexuality is just like any other 'sin'.

i would love for the likes of you to sit down and tell yourselves "i am never allowed to love, or be loved, and if I do, God will hate me."

then tell me its JUST LIKE how you struggle with LYING
in any case, since I have to explain this to people

the church does NOT CONDEMN same sex relationships. it condemns same sex *SEX*, and not because it is SAME SEX, but because it is fruitless.

according to the church, two women can be romantically involved but not sexually.

i suggest watching this for more on that.
im not going to get into how the church fathers understanding of homosexuality was blatantly wrong, or how the bible doesn't say what you think it does.

that doesn't matter as a catholic.

we still have to follow church authority, WHICH YOU CAN DO

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