#medtweeps today we had some sort of training about COVID-19 and I thought i share one of the things that got me thinking. one part of the presentation was about #Mentalhealth in physicians managing COVID-19. 1/7
and I know most of us (including me) aren't currently front liners in the management of patients currently but this might change soon ( I really hope and prey it stays lowđŸ€ž). and in case that might happen I thought we all need to be prepared to adapt ... 3/7
and deal with upcoming stress. cause I don't know about you guys but I am to a minimum anxious and feel at unease and I learned today that is normal the term for it was "Adaptive anxiety" and the best thing we can do is keeping it that way and stop it from pathologic one ... 4/7
and the point of this thread is so that we can prepare and plan healthy coping mechanisms and stay healthy, and some of the points raised by our excellent presenter who was psychiatrist (I didn't get the chance to know her name) were * keeping in touch with family and friends 5/7
* try to get healthy eating and sleeping schedule when we are off duty
* few minute exercise
* learning Breathing relaxation exercise and
* progressive muscle relaxation and I am pretty sure
i missed few more which we need on to read more 6/7
so Let's please prepare,learn to prevent and if we can't prevent them let's least acknowledge and address them early.stay safe, physically and mentally. stay connected.
@kirauz @realBrookA @iamYonasBalew @Abenzer19 @milkiyaskebede @BIRTATEAB @Samrawi36098558 @JohnTeklay21
I know PPE will probably matter more 😅 but I thought this will be important in a long run
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