bruh 5sos stans are now dragging bts??? also 5sos stans telling armys we should “wait our turn and sit down” lmfao pls shut the fuck up thankyou x
i stan bts AND 5sos. but all this fighting with each other isnt really necessary. if u dont like bts or if u dont like 5sos,, stop dragging them and focus ur energy on bb and the music industry bc what the fuck???
but as an army, 5sos stans really cant tell us how we should feel about this situation. something similar happened to bts before and literally there was no where near the same amount of energy,, from radio artists and the media was kinda silent even though hashtags literally
trended for hours but we still got ignored. i understand this is frustrating also but can we pls stop dragging 5sos and stop pretending that any of this is their fault??? we should just focus on how shit and unfair bb is being to both our faves. i just hope that justice is
gonna be served.
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