Thread. 1. This morning I woke up feeling groggy and depressed. My mind was burdened with anger and un-repentance. I went into my study. I expressed my repentance to the Lord and started to begin writing a sermon. I felt as though I could not process the words on the screen.
2. I walked outside for a bit and began to pray. I kept repeating the same prayer of repentance (compulsively) and I was reminded that this is the same behavior of the RC Church. God seeks repentance not penance. I went back into my study to begin writing.
3. I opened up my passage for the week, 1 Peter 2:4-8. I was struck by one verse, V.4 "And coming to Him as to a living stone which has been rejected by men, but is choice and precious in the sight of God,"
4. Christ is this stone. He was rejected by his contemporaries and yet the Father views Him as "choice" and "precious." This is my new identity. I don't need penance. I have the righteousness of Christ freely given.
I post this for 2 reasons:
1. To remind all Christians this is their identity.
2. To remind ministers that though they preach gospel-driven obedience many times they themselves practice law-driven obedience.
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