1. What is behind reports on hydroxychloroquine by POTUS?
🌠What is he trying to tell us?
🌠Why is Deep State Fauci adamantly opposed?

Watch "4/5/20: Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing" on YouTube
2. Our POTUS said it in at least two presidential briefings on CV. Remember, coronavirus is code word for fight between Good and evil, for the rescue of children. ✨He's brilliant; brings the present real situation of this plague right alongside main issue.
✨Double meanings.
4. Yet think about it with the knowledge we have of what's going on behind the scenes.
Think about it medically.
Let's begin...
💥We know that DUMBs (DeepUndergroundMilitaryBases) exist. We know that they have been used for decades for nefarious purposes.
5. This is why our Military have been taught underground operations and techniques.
6. 💥 What else have we learned?
Well, we know huge trafficking rings have survived b/c of underground tunnels...Drug & arms running, human trafficking....
💥 What else goes on underground? Yes, satanic rituals.
Breeding. Children born in darkness, having never seen light of day.
7. 💥 Again, think medically, physiologically. The human body is composed of dust. Dust is composed of minerals. We need minerals to survive. They run the sophisticated ionic cycles within our body which creates energy.
We also need vitamins. For example, lack of Vitamin C ...
8. ...causes scurvy; lack of D causes deformed bone structure... Vitamin D obtained primarily from SUNLIGHT, which these people never see.
Do you think these monsters that keep people underground provide the nutrition needed?
No. The children rescued so far half starved.
9. 💥 And consider photosensitivity. What happens when you go from a dark room into light?
🌄 Photosensitivity.
🤔 How will these children adapt to a world of lights?
** Is there a medical way that we can help them until their bodies are used to normality?
10. Yes.
💧Physiologically, we can provide nutrition via the veins, via stomach tubes until they are well enough to be able to eat, digest, and assimilate normal food.
💧But what about those who are at death's door?
💧Or May have contacted diseases such as Kuru?
Read on...
11. 💥 BTW... Did you know that lack of proper nutrition causes autoimmune diseases and malarial type symptoms, as well as symptoms of lupus erythematosus?
12. Add these all together and what do you have?
💥You have precious human beings who need to be brought out of a crisis physiologically and emotionally.
🤔Think about what the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine can do to relieve the above-mentioned symptoms.
13. Hydroxychloroquine helps with Lupus symptoms. This is been proven for a long time. Temporarily, this medication will enable people to better cope with this photosensitivity until they build up the necessary nutrients in the eyes to handle the light.
14. 💫 Think about it. When body is starved, it ends up feeding on itself in desperation. It creates an autoimmune disorder, and the symptoms are extremely uncomfortable, even painful, as in similar to lupus erythematosus.
💫 Known medication can help with that?
15. If the disease and starvation has affected one's lungs, or any part of the respiratory system, they may need a temporary respirator or ventilator. Remember the air is dank and often poorly oxygenated underground.
16. This is God's rescue mission using His servants. He does not want us to be afraid. He will give us all the strength we need.
🌏Behind all of this that we see is God's mission. He is acting on prayers we've been praying for decades, centuries. What a great time to be alive!
17. Joy is not based on circumstance and happiness can be fleeting. But we are entering into a blessed time. For now we stand strong & pray for these children who have been; are about to be rescued.
We pray also for protection and salvation of all dear Patriots around the world.
18. So when our duly-elected/ beloved Commander-in-Chief speaks while press sneers & argues, be sure that our stable genius knows exactly what he's doing.
When he talks about preventing deaths, is he talking also about deaths of all children who will be rescued?
I think so.
19. Medically makes sense that many of mash units created in hot spots are 4 treatment of underground victims. We'll just have to wait & see, but also makes sense that administration of hydroxychloroquine to this type patient would be prudent, til underlying problems eradicated.
What if light at end of tunnel POTUS refers to is not just a cliche?
What if this refers to Light that will be seen by those who've been in Tunnels - either saving military or damaged victims? What if a triple meaning for Light of the world, who is Jesus? https://twitter.com/KarluskaP/status/1247331848134561792?s=20
If the med Quinacrine, a type of Chloroquine, has been found as effective compassionate therapy for cjd or vcjd, which are Prion protein disorders, it is well worth speculating that same Rx would be effective 4 people with diseases such as neuro-encephalopathy secondary to Kuru.
Quinacrine related to Chloroquine.
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