As the coronavirus crisis deepens, the human tragedy becomes ever clearer. Lost lives and livelihoods mean we have to think seriously about what might be coming on the other side. The economic impact will be severe. 1/5
The working class have propped up the country over the past few weeks. Cleaners, carers and postal workers. Medical staff, nurses and delivery drivers. They must be rewarded. 2/5
Over the next few weeks and months, we will be outlining a post-crisis settlement that delivers for working people and protects national security. It will put workers first and prevent the offshoring of critical industry. 3/5
For starters, we propose that the Government impose a one year moratorium on foreign takeovers of British firms. With the economy in freefall, it will become vulnerable to asset strippers. We cannot allow the capture of critical industry by US venture capital and its allies. 4/5
This must be different to 2008. Working people must never again shoulder the burden of a crisis they did not cause. 5/5
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