Animal Crossing is really nice for dysphoria
Dysphoria is always something I'm wary about mentioning because I'm cis, so it's hard to explain and I'm always worried people will get angry thinking I'm trying to claim something that isn't mine

I can't claim it's the exact same experience

But there are dysphoric butches, too
The first time I went to the mall in years and dissociated so hard in the women's clothing section I had to sit down somewhere to recover was bad

But I feel most right around my girlfriend.

&in AC she can be a pretty pretty princess and I can be a horrible gremlin w/a skull hat
It's complicated? I'm definitely a girl but in a different way, and not in a "Not Like Most Girls" way. A word I think fits best is genderpunk. I'm a girl but my way of being a girl is as right as yours and fuck you if you think it isn't.
Punk is about reclaiming power structures, and girl is mine all the way, and that feels powerful & right.

With the example of clothes, my clothes aren't masc, they're MY clothes and that makes them girl clothes.

(but they are never FEMME clothes, fem/femme are not the same)
(NO, I absolutely don't think being butch is just about clothes, and it's certainly not about being a "tomboy". It's sort of a gender identity/role all its own but this thread is not the place for that discussion)
There's a lot I could say but tl;dr gender is complicated but motorcycle jacket skull hat tittyfree animal game soothing
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