Sick of the foolish attempt to paint 200mn Muslims as a coherent, monolithic group that takes decisions together. Why can’t one hold TJ folks individually accountable? They never asked me or @javedmansari before they did what they did. I’m sure most Muslims haven’t even met them!
The appeal of identity politics is certainly stronger among the old than the young. To most millennials, it seems absurd - why should a Muslim be any more responsible for the acts of a Muslim citizen than a Hindu? Apart from a similar-sounding name, what do we have in common?
The idea of communal accountability (that Hindus are responsible for acts of Hindus or Muslims for those of Muslims) truly baffles me. Is there some secret lair where 1 bn Hindus come together to decide their individual decisions? Or where 200mn Muslims do? I’m not aware of it!
If there is one country where individualism should be natural, it would be India. India is so large, vast & diverse that every individual is unique enough to be their own minority community. The persistence of communal politics in India is frustrating. And we must fight this evil
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