Jongdae's cute/charming tiny body
as he himself described it
"아기자기한 몸" - a thread to mend a broken heart 🥺
Let's start with this
He's so smol he looks like a tiny baby boy he's just a TINY BOY
Jongdae is so tiny and adorable and he thinks it's his charming point 🥺🥺🥺🥺
He's so smol you'd think he's 3 cm tall
Tiny paws tiny feet and too much energy to be contained in that small body
And he lokes wearing clothes 5x bigger than his real size which makes him extra tiny and cute
His limbs are tiny too when he crouched down he became a small ball of fluffiness and sunshine
I don't even have to say anything about this just look
That's not a real human being he's just a cute gnome
He's a tiny delicate little bou please handle with care
When he gets excited on stage he sometimes throws his tiny feet in the air
When Jongdae greeted Seo Janghoon who's 2m tall and made Jongdae look extra extra tiny
Tiny baekchen in the airport looking tiny and cute
Tiny baby making a heart and waving at you with his small hand
Jongdae with his sandboard (that is approximately his height)
Seeing Jongdae being held by big boy Chanyeol always makes my heart melt
Just smol Jongdae and big Chanyeol on a date looking extremely cute
Camera couldn't catch Jongdae well because he stood behind Chanyeol and kris
Another tiny baekhyun with tinier Jongdae because it's wholesome
Kimjongbros remain the cutest siblings
Size difference is a major charming point 🥺
Smol boy sleeping and looking extra precious
Sehun the oversized baby with his favorite tiny hyung is what I call quality content
Same day Chanyeol casually held Jongdae up in his arms cause Jongdae is tiny and irresistible
They're just standing there.... Looking cute af
Just tiny boy during busking
I know we all know it but it's iconic and I must add it
More of tiny Jongdae waving with his tiny hand
Rookie dae with his moomin plushie gives the biggest tiny boy energy
Remember when Jongdae debuted with nct dream?? Look how tiny
Have you tried smol prince Jongdae today? I thought smol prince Jongdae was lovely
A midget keeps annoying Chanyeol because he's a little shit
I have nothing to say I just want to add this here
I really don't know what to say he's just a little boy
A pea-sized runt
A bean playing with a big bean
A cute little flower to make you smile ❤️
He literally looks like a child in these clothes I can't believe this was his "cool street" outfit HE'S A CHILD
A good boy putting his belt because he values safety
Be good like Jongdae
Cbx's brand is super tiny and crazy talented
I couldn't finish this without adding this look because it's the epitome of baby boy and yeah here
This is extremely important
This baby is the true definition of pea-sized runt
Here is just more tiny Jongdae with a plushie in his hand
Okay that's all I have for now I hope this smol baby made your day better
Don't forget to praise Jongdae every morning to have a happy life
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