Tate and I have started doing a devotional together every night to strengthen our relationship with God/each other. Last night we wrote letters to our future son/daughter in law, explaining how we expected them to treat our own son/daughter.
Then, we read back the letters as if God wrote them to us telling us how he expected us to treat one another. God is our Father when our earthly fathers fail us. But he is also our Father In Law. He expects nothing but the utmost respect for his daughters/sons.
Needless to say, we both ended up with lists of things to work on in our relationship. Not allowing space for resentment/anger, respecting one another in every situation, hearing one another out - even when it’s hard.
I wanted to share this in hopes that someone will use it within their own relationship. Or do it by themselves and learn a thing or two about how they treat others/significant others. I’ll be posting more exercises from our devotions on this thread!! Hope you found this helpful!!
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