Thread Series: What to expect when you’re electing.

Part One: Bernie Sanders will be used as a wedge to divide democrats all the way until Election Day.

Let’s look at how Bernie will be used as a wedge.

Not to spoil the surprise, but the plan is pretty similar to 2016...
First, Bernie has a history of staying in the race solely to undermine the presumptive nominee. Despite having no chance to win in June 2016, Bernie stayed in the race 7 more weeks, forcing a contested convention. Bernie never dropped out in ‘16, and won’t do it this time either.
On March 10, 2020, it became virtually impossible for Bernie to win, yet he didn’t drop out. He insisted on debating Biden, got blown out in the next set of primaries, yet *still* refused to drop out. Face it, he’s not dropping out.

That’s a problem, and here’s why.
Every day Bernie stays in the race is a day Democrats are divided. Meanwhile, Twitter is awash with pro-Bernie accounts calling Biden a demented rapist. Most of these accounts are Russians using the🌹Twitter handle to make themselves indistinguishable from Bernie supporters.
These Russian Bernie accounts are part of an Active Measures campaign. They are using cover as Democrats to infiltrate your Twitter feed and fill your brain with disinformation. They hope to convince you Biden is bad and you should either vote for Trump or sit out the election.
These Active Measures will continue after Biden defeats Bernie at the convention, but they are especially harmful while they can still claim to be selling you Bernie rather than trying to sell you on despair alone or on Trump directly.
Once Bernie is eliminated from the race, we will see the tone of the Russian bot and troll army get decidedly nastier (if you can believe that). They will be selling despair and hoping to capitalize on your fear and dread, with the goal of making you give up and not vote.
Bernie lent some late support to HRC in ‘16 after already doing mortal damage to her campaign, but that’s unlikely this time. Back then, Russia knew Bernie might be useful again in ‘20, but he’s too old now and I expect Russia to burn him to the ground this time.
Don’t be surprised to see Bernie go rogue after he loses to Biden. I’m not sure he’ll go so far as to directly endorse Trump, but I could see him advising “progressives” to sit out the election in protest of the “Democratic Establishment” he constantly disparages.
So what can we do about Bernie? My approach is to shine a light on Bernie as an obvious Russian asset backed by an obvious army of Russian trolls and bots. Once you understand that, you can see the propaganda for what it is and root the bots and trolls out of your Twitter feed.
Beware of the 🌹 and of anyone who spouts nonsense about Biden being a rapist, or being demented, or being a “centrist” who is out to take away your healthcare and who is no better than Trump. It’s Russian propaganda and should be blocked.
Please also be vigilant in insisting Bernie drop out of the race. Whether you believe, as I do, that Bernie is a full-on Russian asset, he’s at the very least a Useful Idiot helping to re-elect Trump. Call him out on it. Help others see what’s obvious to you.
Stay tuned for Part 2 of “what to expect when you are electing” which will focus on Putin and Trump’s long range goals of dividing us by pitting “red states” against “blue states.”
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