SpeedySkip is the worst human being I've ever met: a thread.
About a month ago, I posted something on the CBR3 Discord about "stalking" Skip. I posted under it that anyone who stalks someone is a psycho, and I knew someone that attempted and failed to become friends with Skip by stalking him on YT and Twitter. Last night, he posted this.

He cropped out the part where I explain what I said just to make me look bad. He also unfriended me while in his private game and shut the server down when I said to someone I couldn't play it with them tomorrow because he'd unfriended me.
When I replied to that tweet, he deleted the CBR3 Discord so that no one could look at that joke and see the other half of it. I got no sleep last night because that tweet made almost all my friends turn on me. I had constant anxiety attacks that night and this morning.
He ruined my life in one night with a single tweet. He is by far the worst person I know. And just to clarify, I have no real life friends. So yeah. He literally made me lose all my friends. Thanks SpeedySkip, you suck.
And just to clarify, the joke wasn't meant to be funny. It was meant to be serious. Don't try and force your way into people's lives by stalking them, let it come naturally. I admit, it wasn't a good way to convey the message.
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