So to summarize: The things Trump has done to undercut oversight of an unprecedented aid package include:
1) Stating that Mnuchin could ignore Congress' power of the purse and just spend on what he wants
2) Says CIGIE head doesn't need to consult w/Congress for PRAC head
3) After CIGIE head, Michael Horowitz names Glenn Fine PRAC head, Trump nominated the totally unqualified Jason Abend to be DOD IG. If he were confirmed, FIne couldn't be PRAC head.
4) Prevent Fine from even starting by making EPA IG acting DOD IG, making Fine ineligible for PRAC
5) Stating that the Special IG for Pandemic Recovery won't tell Congress if Mnuchin refuses his request for information, as mandated by law.
6) Naming one of the lawyers who helped him thru impeachment as SIGPR (tho Brian Miller is very qualified for the job).
Trump has done more to undercut oversight of how we'll recover from the Pandemic he exacerbated than he has done anything to address the pandemic.

It's almost like he plans to bail himself out or otherwise loot the fund?
I think Horowitz now picks another of these IGs to take the position Glenn Fine had. Note that 3 of them are also Acting IGs (which is a testament to how little Trump cares abt oversight), including Acting HHS IG Christi Grimm, whom Trump is pissy at bc of yesterday's report.
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