sad/lol tweet that it’s the “older person” with _the parents_ who... bc i still don’t see my parents as old even though they are boomers...
also ... i agree with the landing point of this tweet but am having trouble with the reference to the “take” here, re complaining 😕
please forgive me my thread but i just want to recognize there’s a pride or investment in “not complaining” for folks who’ve endured something and especially for me and my folks and their folks..
speaking from a place of intergenerational trauma, there is a mode where we don’t complain out of self-preservation because we aren’t in a position to complain.

and there are other reasons too.
again i don’t want to detract from OPs message but this really bothered me because my parents never complained and my grandparents never complained

they still talk of being grateful

they did the andrew y*ng thing and did their best and i’m the first generation to even question
it’s not the same for everyone of course,,

but i feel responsible for saying something, if quietly, to defend myself and my predecessors..

and others who don’t or can’t complain

in this racist country
don’t get me wrong, we need the complainers, desperately. and i admire those that speak out, speak loudly. i often marvel and ask for tips, and try my best to shout too!

but i extend myself to shield the traumatized who hold onto stoicism as a souvenir of strength from that time
and maybe not to use it like this as an arguing point.. or a shaming point..

(maybe i’m reacting too big to a quickly-written tweet)

but i’m sure we can accept those experiences AND yell too
aaand... finally to add that a lot of us are in fact feeling pretty ok because our trauma-induced hoarding lifestyle means none of us did extra shopping during the transition 😂
[we may be japanese but fuck that k•ndo shit. we need every single one of these grocery bags (folded nicely or stuffed away, depending on your gen) and plastic forks (some still wrapped in plastic) and cardboard boxes and no it does not spark joy, this is what we NEED to get BY]
Oops, epilogue — I think I reacted so strongly to the first tweet I didn’t notice or read the rest of the thread.

I’m torn so.. just this one thing
Yes it’s a trauma response and so is silence and so is complaining and so is rallying and so is fighting..
that’s it for me. i don’t think we disagree. i don’t want to play ancestor wars. or try to define anyone’s trauma for them. i just don’t want the experience of those who didn’t complain, for them to be shamed in their absence.

(maybe not the intention, but it’s the format)
and just had to post something as a person with CPTSD and background of intergenerational trauma from both global and non global events
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