Austin Steinbart arrested.
Alleged extortion.
Denied release, custody of US Marshall.
On my way to film perp walk now.
Not much happening at Phoenix US District Court today.
Where Austin will be crapping his pants at 2pm
At 1pm, I may or may not, be granted permission to film inside the courtroom for the 2pm hearing. 🙏
Minor corrections.
At one point hearing was scheduled for 10am in 302.
It was changed to 2pm in 305.

Government argued against his release.
Judge order house arrest and ankle monitor.
Current understanding is that he will appear in one courtroom for one cause of action, and teleconference to a second courtroom for another cause of action.
Why is action being taken to thoroughly discredit Austin, instead of just quietly stopping his criminal behavior? The answer should be clear after reading Austin's own words.

"thousands of highly engaged followers ready to propagate my leaks".

He intended to use YOU.
Austin has repeated ALL his crazy bullcrap, ON THE RECORD, to the FBI with the deliberate intent to discredit the entire Q movement... which some of us warned everybody about the moment Austin showed up on the scene.
Next certain "journalists" will come back to do a followup story on this guy... who they conveniently did first stories on weeks ago.
Rode up the elevator with Austin. Called out as he left elevator...
I’ll get tossed out if I make a scene in courthouse...
Sometimes an uncomfortable balance between justice and compassion must be sought.

Yes, I feel sorry for him... but he can’t be allowed to continue his course of action. He chose the path that ended here.

I could’ve been much more “in his face”. Chose not to.
I sincerely pray that he learns from this, and he deserves a chance to grow as a person, if he’ll take it.

However, if handlers put him up to this... I also pray they are exposed.

Austin, come out from among the wolves and expose who set you up. They aren’t your frens🙏
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