I know the CDC has lost a lot of credibility but many hospitals are touting that they are following CDC recommendations. As a healthcare professional, know what the recommendations are regarding exposure, monitoring and work restrictions when asymptomatic https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/guidance-risk-assesment-hcp.html
I have noticed hospitals scrambling to be able to keep up with identifying what healthcare workers had potential or real exposures to positive or PUI patients. Many workers are not being notified. Many employee health departments are overwhelmed. Know the recommendations.
There was a great tweet going around recommending that healthcare workers be sure to document in the chart of any patient they have contact with. This helps identify exposures.
Also, don't wait for employee health or the hospital to contact you if you know you've had an exposure. I heard a story this week of a nurse that helped with a patient, did not document anything in chart. Was only wearing a surgical mask, no eye protection or gown.
Nurse said "their test was negative" but when asked if CT scan done they said "yeah, ground glass opacities consistent with COVID19."

According to CDC recommendations, since this nurse was not wearing eye protection, they should not work for 14 days even if asymptomatic.
Know the recommendations. Protect yourself. Protect your patients. Protect your coworkers. Protect your communities.
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