If you don’t care enough to protect yourself, a list of people you SHOULD care about enough to stay inside for:

• your grandparents
• your pregnant friend or the one with a newborn
• Your friends with co-morbidities (ex:diabetes,asthma, cancer, AIDS, etc.)

(continued ...)
• Your family members over the age of 50, and under the age of 5.
• Healthcare workers who are getting exposed more and more, putting themselves and their families at risk, JUST because people aren’t doing their part and the numbers keep rising
Everyone has someone in their life that will NOT be able to fight this off, who they CAN protect simply by following social distance and stay at home orders. Not following these is only prolonging this. If you really want it to end, just do what you are supposed to.
Last part of this thread:

Staying home is going to take a mental toll on some. I emphasize the need to stay home, So we can END this. Suicides have already occurred, and the longer this goes on, the more there will be.
Please do what you’re supposed to.

I am done now. ❤️
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