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Which 3 art pieces/works/projects/texts influenced your work and your understanding of the online? #askingforafriend
For us: Old Boys Network - Next Cyberfeminist International Reader (1999) by @csollfrank and others http://www.artwarez.org/fileadmin/artwarez/pdf/obn-Nextreader.pdf
London Pirate Listening Station (1999-2009) by Heath Bunting. Rebroadcasting local pirate FM radio stations to the net via his website. Crazy experience to be away from London and still have access to London's music and pirate radio culture. https://web.archive.org/web/20070210103711/http://scanner.irational.org/
Vote Auction (2004) an online piece by @UBERMORGEN_COM

"Voteauction was a Website which offered US citizens to sell their presidential vote to the highest bidder during the Presidential Elections 2000.."

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