Match me if you can
Scientific name- Acalypha godesffiana
Medicinal uses-crush leaves and place on body parts affected by rheumatoid arthritis. Leaves warmed over fire and placed on back or chest can induce sweating and break fever
Scientific name- Melicocco bijuga
Medicinal uses- fruit is eaten for abnormal blood pressure, also taken to stimulate appetite.
Five Fingers
Scientific name-Tabebuia bahamensis
Medicinal uses- leaf decoction consumed for dental pains and backache. Sex stimulant and aphrodisiac also used as anesthetic and tranquilizer
Lignum Vitae
Scientific name-Guaiacum officinale
Medicinal uses- flowers ingested as a laxative, effective antidote for accidental poisoning,White juice from bark used with water as a bath for body pains
Scientific name- Momordica charantia
Medicinal uses- effective treatment for diabetes ,consumed in large dosages to induce abortion ,consume 3 times a day for 9 successive mornings to relieve asthma and other respiratory illness when boiled with a dash of dark rum.
Bay Geranium
Scientific name- Ambrosia hispida
Medicinal uses- boiled leaves builds appetite, combats worms in children, used for congested lungs , colds, indigestion, weakness and externally for skin irritations.
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