In today’s edition of Preventive mechanisms against the #COVID19 pandemic in Nigeria, we had a discussion on:

1. The effects of self medication with antibiotics or herbal medicines for #COVID19

2. Impacts of a deluge of online virus misinformation and dangerous/fake cures
3. COVID-19 advice for the public regarding the use of facemasks (when to use masks) and basic preventive measures against the new virus.

4. If there is a treatment or a vaccine for Covid-19 disease.
WHO does not recommend self-medication with any medicine including antibiotics, as a prevention or cure for COVID-19.

Antibiotics or garlic do not work against viruses(Covid-19 inclusive), only work against bacteria.

Do not under any circumstances try to self-medicate pleaset
Medicines should be used only on the recommendations of professionals such as physicians and pharmacists, after weighing the benefits and associated risks.

When these principles are followed, they protect human health, and when not followed, they cause undesirable effects.
Again, most Herbal medicines can cause kidney failure & liver damage bcos they contain toxic chemicals or react with other drugs. They are unwholesome & unlicensed products which have not passed any investigation by the regulatory bodies for safety & effectiveness evaluations.
People are suffering devastating real-world impacts of a deluge of online virus misinformation; many were duped into taking poisonous "cures". For example in Iran, over 210 people died from drinking toxic alcohol after claims circulated online that it could ward off #COVID19
In Nigeria, three people were hospitalised after chloroquine overdose.

Don’t spreading rumors, follow accurate public health advice from @WHO & @NCDCgov @Fmohnigeria
Also among the risky ineffective & fake cures touted online are using chlorine disinfectants on the body, consuming toxic alcohol & bleach- like solutions or drinking water every 15mins. NOT TRUE!

Fake news spreads faster and more easily than this virus and can be dangerous.
Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.

Regularly washing your hands offers more protection against #COVID19 than wearing rubber gloves/mask.
For Basic Protective Measures against the new virus, take your time to take a look at the following images:
In addition, make sure any animal product you use in meals is fully cooked. Handle raw meat carefully

Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets etc
Any Vaccine/treatment for #COVID19 ?

To date, there is no specific medicine recommended to prevent or treat Covid-19. The best way to prevent the disease is to avoid being exposed to this virus.

Thank you.
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