THREAD on Boris Johnson in intensive care:

We have such a strange culture here.

Many of us spent the last decade asking people to care that nurses, doctors, delivery workers, retail staff, cleaners, and transport workers were being forced to choose between heating their..
homes and eating because Boris Johnson and his governments kept cutting their wages to ribbons.

We were called “bleeding hearts” because we saw hundreds of thousands of people suffering and felt compelled to help.
Not with a one-off clap or charity donation, but with long term changes to pay, conditions and the way we live.
Now, one man is in hospital and those same people who rolled their eyes when we spoke about 120,000 people dead because of austerity are giving out lectures on compassion, and the sanctity of human life.
I don’t wish Boris Johnson to suffer because I DONT EVER WANT ANYONE TO SUFFER UNNECESSARILY. Even though this buffoon contracted coronavirus by shaking hands with coronavirus patients while trying to convince us all to just ride this out rather than mitigate it.
But we need to get clear about something here.

The people experiencing racist abuse, deportation, hunger, and shame because of successive Tory governments don’t owe you or Boris so much as a single tear.
It should instead be seen as a remarkable act of generosity and empathy that many of them choose to show that compassion regardless.

This is a terrifying and deeply sad time for everyone. Don’t make it worse by telling other people how to feel. ✊🏾❤️
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