I’ve been failing at putting into words how much @SchittsCreek means to me because there really just aren’t enough words in the human language to capture my emotions right now. But what I’m thankful for more than anything are the friends, community, love, and acceptance ❤️
And of course I can’t leave out all the internet friends who couldn’t be pictured in the first tweet because I just don’t have picture with them since we’ve never met IRL but it doesn’t make them any less important in my life today ❤️
Instead of adding more fav SC memories to this thread just go read Taylor’s because I was there for most of them and they’re all also some of my fav memories https://twitter.com/likeanavalance/status/1247530606566576131?s=21 https://twitter.com/likeanavalance/status/1247530606566576131
The only one I want to add is being a part of The Dan Levy Birthday Project. It was amazing to see this fandom come together and raise money for a good cause. I jumped in without knowing what was going to come of that but it was an incredible experience
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