Taking a reading break so let's talk privilege! Privilege can intersect. Race, religion, wealth, sexual orientation, all of it. Just because you don't have privilege in one area doesn't mean you can't have it in another.
We all have areas that we are more sensitive to.

For example, me. I grew up poor. Like sharing a one bed room with my mom, splitting 99 cents burgers poor. (Granted we leveled up to a 2 bedroom when she got a scholarship for certain housing.)
As a result, I tend to be more aware of characters who exhibit wealth privilege. What is interesting is that wealth privilege has ripple effects. Because property taxes (in TX anyways) determine how good your schools are.

Low income area? No alot of money for schools.
Which means as a result, I am aware of the subtle education privilege in books. Because to me and my brain, it translates to wealth.

Mentioning the school has a fencing club? That's expensive. Not going to be happening just ANYWHERE.
So why am I mentioning all of this? Because 1) characters will naturally have their own privilege and viewpoints and 2) you can reveal alot without revealing alot, if you catch me.

so to point number 1. And we will pretend I am the character.
So yes, I was poor. I saw people with 2 bedrooms as "fancy" people. (I was like 6 or 7).

But I also wasn't homeless. And my mom made sure I could do things, like soccer.

I had a small amount of privilege. To me, privilege is a slider. It is not either/or, but slides along.
It's important to think of the slider, because a character may see themselves in one way, but not realize that they are in fact further up the slider.

But to keep them from being a tool, we do have to kindly open their eyes to that knowledge.
For me, I may have lived in a 1 bedroom, but I had nice clothes. And I was reminded of that fact (by my mom.)

So for point 2: revealing alot by not revealing alot.
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