This #WorldHealthDay we take a look at the findings of the 2020 #GH5050 report, Power, Privilege and Priorities. What does it reveal about the global health system today and what can this tell us about the #COVID19 response? 
The report found evidence of a broken global health system that was failing to adapt to the health needs of people today. In particular, it found a neglect of #NCDs from orgs, funders and governments - these same #NCDs which now appear to be increasing risk of death from #COVID19
It found a failure to tackle #gender as a driver of ill health. Our #COVID19 data tracker reveals startling difference in outcomes in men & women, likely driven in part by gender. But global health has not prioritised addressing #gender, particularly when it comes to men's health
Who sets the #globalhealth agenda? We found power anchored in global north, with most orgs HQd in HICs & most leaders from HICs → lack of diversity in background, experience & worldview. These countries ‘leading’ global health agenda now struggling to handle #COVID19 outbreak
Most leaders are males from HICs. Only 1/20 #globalhealth leaders is a woman from an LMICs, even though LMICs are home to 83% of global pop and women comprise majority of global health workforce. More diversity = better decision making - including when it comes to #COVID19
In sum, #globalhealth has not prioritised equity within, or addressed drivers of ill health & creation of healthier societies - including #NCDs, #gender & other inequalities that drive poor health, and which are now driving vulnerability to #COVID19 👉 
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