Oh hello, Board-certified diagnostic radiologist here.

Now I’m no neurosurgeon, and I only read 1000’s of CXRs every year, but to my eyes, that CXR is stone cold normal.

Also: disregard the radiological interpretation of anyone who uses the term “infiltrates” on CXR

#Radiology https://twitter.com/CuomoPrimeTime/status/1247339877345230848
Can somebody please point out these “infiltrates” to me.

I see a normal cardiomediastinal silhouette, no evidence of effusion, normal lung volume, normal interstitial markings and clear lungs with no acute osseous abnormalities.


Or at the very least, invite an expert on to interpret the test correctly for you.

Having a neurosurgeon interpret a radiograph live on air, then having him misinterpret it and use non-radiological language (infiltrate) to describe non-existent findings is a very bad look.
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