Okay! So, I watched #kdrama #NobodyKnows and turns out Eunho have this disease called Photic Sneeze Reflex.
Okay, senang cerita, dia akan bersin whenever he staring at the sunlight.

Ini is Thread ✌️😜
Cool kan??! Like how did people sneeze bila tengok matahari 👀 + ☀️ = 🤧! THIS FACT IS SO COOL!!!! How can this happened? Go through this thread, I did some studies ✌️.
The scientific name is Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helio-ophthalmic Outburst Syndrome ( ACHOO)
Achoo = sneeze
This ACHOO consist of variable amount of sneezing outburst after a sudden exposure to a bright light and usually sunlight ☀! Wehh, bapak annoying doh setiap kali nak photosynthesis dia bersin.. Hahahhaa
This disease is by inheritance, so maksudnya, kalau one of the parents ada this disease the child may kena this disease also. Based on the article I've read, diorang studied this one Spanish family consist of 30 people and 12 of them have this syndrome.
Apparently, this disease won't bring harm, so don't worry, just.. You would be annoyed sebab takleh tenung matahari.. Hahahaha...
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