Lol. Sexual compatibility is the biggest scam pls
Alright! Finally got some time on my hands @gideon__duke @AmakaAnne_ @deedeestyledme @_amarachukwu @Eiera 😁
I’m no authority on this matter o, but from the little I know, sexual compatibility seems to imply perfect (or near-perfect) sexual satisfaction for both parties as a result of similarities in sex drive, sexual tastes and maybe a perfect ‘fit’. Right?
I believe it’s a myth because sexual satisfaction is dependent on a lot more than just the above .
Other equally (if not more) important factors include clear and consistent communication, discarding unrealistic expectations, selflessness,...
...,getting accurate information about sex (it’s physiology, anatomy and psychology - I know, it’s not that deep. But isn’t it? 😏), willing compromise, and the passionate pursuit of pleasing the other partner above one’s self!
The erroneous assumption that ‘sexual incompatibility’ spells doom for a married couple’s sex life has served as an excusable reason not to put in the necessary work that allows their sex life thrive.
Does a couple need to ‘test the waters’ to see if they’re compatible sexually before proceeding with the marriage?

What really spells ‘incompatibility’?

If they find out they’re ‘incompatible’, but every other aspect of their relationship is great (communication, shared values
...common vision, beliefs, genuine love and respect etc), do they then discard the relationship because they believe their sex life is unsalvageable because of said ‘incompatibility’?
Is there any place of unlearning and relearning, gradual but consistent growth, and a genuine selfless interest in pleasing the other?
Is it possible that sexual encounters (and hence, level of satisfaction) with one’s partner may vary based on hormonal factors, varying moods, stress levels and other non-sexual aspects of the relationship?
Is good sex (or the lack thereof) a biological fluke, or the natural outcome of a loving, selfless relationship?
I may have posed my opinions as questions (I have no idea why I do that some times lol).
But if you do have contrary opinions, kindly share. Let’s discuss some more 😁
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