i keep seeing people say ‘corona only has a 98% fatality rate, let’s go back to work and let it run its course’ here’s a few reasons why this is a TERRIBLE take! (thread)
first of all, we don’t really have a solid idea of what the actual mortality rate is, but assuming it is 2%, and everyone in the US gets it, that’s over six MILLION people dead. that’s like killing the entire population of these states (helpful graphic included)
if that’s still too impersonal for you, imagine rounding up 100 people you know. friends, family, coworkers, etc. now choose 2 of them to die.
according to the AHA, there are about 60-70k ICU beds in the US. most of those are already full. 6% of covid-19 patients need intensive care. that’s 18,000,000 people and 70,000 beds. this means millions more will die who could have been saved with proper medical intervention.
covid-19 disproportionately affects the elderly, people with pre-existing health conditions, and healthcare workers. are you okay with the mass genocide of the elderly, the physically vulnerable, and healthcare workers? because i’m not.
for the sake of argument let’s say you don’t care about millions dead, your grandparents, your friend fighting cancer, or doctors you have depended on your entire life. we’ve seen this virus affect young healthy people as well. you are not immune.
if you are not an essential employee, stay home. follow cdc guidelines. i know it sucks not to see your friends, but you are not an exception to the rule. we can save lives, but we’ve got to work together.
if you know all this, and these numbers scare you to death, i see you. i’m scared too. we will get through this together, one day at a time. be gentle with yourself and ask for help if you need it.
thanks for coming to my ted talk, we will return to our regularly scheduled program of dumb and sarcastic musings promptly
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