10 Youngest People Likely To Die In The Coming Revolution https://twitter.com/Forbes/status/1247520987802787840
You can not become a billionaire in America by hardwork and good ethics. Every single one of those people has mistreated workers, taken advantage of consumers, and gotten their start from the blood money of their families.
You might - maybe - become a millionaire with hard work if you started in 1960 or so. You could greow from blue collar to white collar and save and invest and maybe make millions without hurting anyone.
But there is no ethical way to be a billionaire.
To horde that much wealth requires a concious and intentional greed and a desire to pay your workers the bare minimum.
Every billionaire currently alive is a billionaire because they got a leg up from family and because they cheat their workers.
Every. Single. One.
People and companies that take care of their workers, give them good healthcare, give them good wages.... their CEOs are wealthy but they'll never be billionaires because they aren't taking 90% of the companies profits for themselves. They spend the money on their workers.
The myth that you can be like the Jenner girls is just that: a myth.

And average person doesn't have the wealth to buy their celebrity. Every person in the 99% has more in common with the homeless person on the street than with anyone on this Forbes list.
There is a connection.
That homeless person is on the street because of the choices of the people on the Forbes list.
The billionaires paying low wages, fighting to keep healthcare private, refusing to pay taxes... they are the reason so many of the 99% are hungry & homeless.
If the people on this Forbes list paid their workers well, supported healthcare for all, and paid as much in taxes as the 99%, we could reduce the homeless problem by 50%, minimum.
We could end deaths by treatable illness.
Each of those billionaires represents thousands of deaths.
Deaths that are fully preventable and that we have the ability to treat, but that we don't, because the law protects the selfish, greedy, heartless billionaires and not the suffering, hungry, dying people.
There is no amount that these billionaires can give to charity that makes up for the cost it takes to support them. Every worker they underpay, every healthcare bill they get blocked by buying politicians... you pay the cost.
The taxpayers cover the bill.
You pay the rich.
That's the scam.
The rich get paid to be rich.
They get free things. They get to dodge the IRS because they can buy lawyers. They get to buy politicians and ignore the law.
And every time they leave someone bleeding and broken, it's the 99% who pay.
You pay so the rich can play.
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