All particles and their energetic sources or 'first causes' relate to their own complete 'dimensions' which are energetic solutions of a homogeneous frequency in a narrow range. Single fractions of intelligence comes through these frequencies and recombine to create consciousness
The various angles of intersecting features and the difference in light interactions within different densities generates a rotary, superconsciousness matrix like system that shifts and realigns to create virtually infinite variations in potential from a finite set of components.
Superconsciousness is first, not consciousness which would be backwards. We perceive reality 'consciousness first', which is backwards from the extra biological interactions that are taking place. The whole is superconscious, contrast is generated by creating distances,
between the 'nodes' which act like time anchors to create, first moments, and then complete 'chapters' of existence that spread out like water flowing through a porous medium.
Where nodes arrange in a way that their projected emissions recombine to create higher or lower scaled projections of self to function as an auxiliary I/O system a bridge into fields of information
that cannot be obtained otherwise, superconsciousness, functions to translate and integrate that information from a non local abstraction into an integral aspect of reality.
Reality, space, consciousness, energy, free will in this way functions as a processing system for hyperspace. Whatever you chose your reality eventually reshapes itself around.
This happened to get here and then were tricked into painting themselves into a hyperspace corner by convincing their young that they would never do anything, unless they did what they wanted to do. As a result, nothing happened other than what no one wants.
That's how children see it. Because people do not understand that they are actually writing the script, they can't control their lives. Because they control their lives, their reality has to alter their consciousness, their neurology accordingly.
Those people then can't control their emotions, the two go hand in hand. Not giving yourself the power to change, and forcing yourself to trust others who only power is convincing you and others to trust them and give to them your power.
One can't live in such a world and not choose. You choose the moment you see and hear, whatever you do is the choice.

It's just fairy tales until people want to believe. Once you see capable technology, you understand. It's not magic, the entire universe is a kind of technology.
You can shape it to whatever is necessary and useful. There is no point in making everything one way or another, but you can literally create your own controlled environment and go from there, that is the basis.
Yes, with knowledge of what is, not 'the greatest minds ever'. With a 10 year old's mind, you can understand. With the use of simple technology and self control, you have access to everything you need to exist indefinitely.
That is, for the most part, why no one is 'around'. Because you are living inside of the only place in the universe, where you're "NOT ALLOWED" to do that. I was going to make this longer, maybe I'll take it to the blog, but just factor all of that in and connect to ancient texts
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