April is Sexual Assault Awareness month. Learn how to be a better support system for survivors. It is NEVER the survivor’s fault. Their clothes, their attitude, their talent, their T Shirt, their absence or presence of a Dupatta, their wearing leggings is not an invitation.
If you know a survivor - dont be that person who says ‘Why didn’t you say this before?’.
Also don’t say ‘I would have used my slipper.’ Well good for you, but most can’t react that way. Read on ‘Responses to Stress’
Don’t say ‘If no one is supporting you maybe you’re lying.’
Worrying, thinking about assaulters’ family, kids, spouse, aged parents is NOT the survivor’s problem. If the assaulter didn’t care enough about their family while assaulting, the survivors don’t have to make it an additional burden IN ADDITION to healing from the trauma.
‘At least you didn’t get raped…it is not a big deal’ - is NOT a response to a survivor. Just like in burns, there are degrees.
Don’t tell the media! You want attention?! Who will marry you are not acceptable responses either.
Historically women have gained NOTHING financially by sexual assault. Instead we have to deal with hostile lawyers in courts who are bent on constantly torturing us.
To Indians - don’t be the * who tries to come up with a caste / religion angle. Only makes you a rape apologist
‘NOT ALL MEN!!! What about your father brother…’

We KNOW NOT ALL MEN! Women talk about sexual assault because it is normalised by society; we want to change it. We are NOT calling all men Rapists.
Sexual Assault usually happens by someone known to the survivor. It is not a random stranger all the time.
If your family member, especially a has identified a molester, keep them away from the family. It sadly needs to be spelt out.
Most Sexual offenders build trust in their target before they assault them. That’s how the modus operandi is. So that they can gaslight the survivors later. Don’t blame the survivor for being friends with the molester.
Because I get this a lot - To Daughters that get molested by their fathers while asleep - Your father did not mistake you for his wife. This is a general lie financially dependent or in denial moms say to their daughters. No molester is known to have agreed to his crime.
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