Despot Uhuru Kenyatta has confessed to have illegally ordered Kilifi DG Saburi's arrest even though he has no power to order anyone's arrest and wants Saburi jailed for 10 years. Sawa. However, before Saburi serves his 10 years, Despot Uhuru must serve his 550 years for....
1) Bringing #COVID19 to Kenya via direct flights from China, USA and Italy.

2) Forcing Captain Kibati to import coronavirus-infected passengers from Rome and New York.

3) Murdering Chris Msando and thousands of Kenyans.

4) Stealing the 2013 and 2017 elections. #uhurumustgo
5) For forcing #coronavirus positive people to stay in over-crowded, dirty and inhumane conditions at the Lenana School and other so-called "Quarantine Centres."

6) Stealing @JackMa's donated medical protective equipment then selling them to Kenyans at inflated prices.
7) Enforcing a sudden, criminally-reckless #nairobilockdown without giving Kenyans sufficient time to reach home.

8) Stealing @WHO's #COVID19 donated billions and billions more from Kenyans - money meant for ordinary Kenyans. #uhurumustgo
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