I have absolutely no idea why people are clinging to the Karen meme so hard. Whatever its origins, it’s pretty laced in sexism by now (as shown by the men—incl white men—who throw it around). Doesn’t need to be a slur to be sexist. It’s a dumb fucking meme, not material reality.
If you don’t think the equivalent stereotype exists for black women....got bad news for ya. They’re pretty much coextensive, even if we don’t quite have a word for it.

Also, it is absolutely used by leftists as a total denial that women (even women you don’t like!) face sexism.
I do think the folks comparing it to the N word or whatever (especially idiots like Julie Bindel) are laughably wrong and more than a little out of touch, but that doesn’t mean we need to religiously defend the Karen meme or whatever as if our lives depended on it.
Obligatory “you really can say whatever sexist shit you want as long as you pretend “white” to it”. You can’t deal with sexism or racism on the part of white women by being misogynistic 🤷🏻‍♀️.
Straight/cis white women only seem comparatively privileged when you’ve already established mental privilege hierarchies—sexism (as evidenced by discrimination, pay, rape, violence, reproductive oppression, etc) is not “oppression on easy mode” and it has not “gone away”.
Leftists love to find new and innovative ways to put women down, and I have no idea why we are clinging so strongly to a fucking meme as if it’s the biblical truth. It’s literally fine.
The doublethink required to absolve yourself of sexism could easily be solved by simply admitting to sexism. Going full “I can do no wrong” purity politics that you have to pretend you don’t see sexism is, frankly, pussy shit.

(Which is why I’ll prolly continue using the meme)
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