This is the wrong move, @Jorge_Elorza. Where will Providence residents safely exercise now? Really? I’m asking.

Closing parks forces runners to the road and puts us in the crosshairs with cars. RIH needs beds for COVID patients, not 🏃‍♀️🚴‍♀️ hit by drivers.

If you’re going to close all the parks, close some streets to car traffic so people have space to move. Simply shutting down the parks won’t keep people inside - and @GovRaimondo is encouraging us to walk/run outside solo for mental health. Where can we go?
If you close the walking path on Blackstone, I can guarantee everyone will move to the bike lane and parking lane. Just shut down the street to car traffic except local residents and Butler staff/ambulances. Otherwise I expect you’ll see an injured 🚴‍♀️🏃‍♂️ on the Blvd very soon.
And borrowing a line from @RebeccaKislak here - fewer safe spaces to be outside makes social distancing more difficult.

If you’re closing the green spaces in Providence, where can we go outside to walk? This move by Mayor @Jorge_Elorza feels counterproductive.
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