The same scepticism that makes our generation more immune to whatsapp fwds than older generations also makes more of us into nihilists in a manner incomprehensible to those who believe more easily.
Nihilisms can set one free. The problem isn't nihilism. The problem is freedom.

The problem is dealing with the freedom that comes with accepting our utter irrelevance in the bigger scheme of things.
We have a deep rooted need to believe that our purpose matters to the universe.

This is a subtle shackle. Every new discovery we make about the vastness of the universe becomes another symbol of our insignificance rather than a fresh source of wonder.

Learning leads to despair.
Ceasing to need a purpose that "matters" frees us from this trap. We can marvel at new discoveries without feeling increasingly insignificant.

Learning leads to wonder.
A sense of purpose should only be heeded, never measured.
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