Exploring #PatientSafety issues at @NHSEngland re #AuditECT. Apparently #ECTAS are but a certificate for the wall w/ zero accountability for not meeting basic criteria, risking permanent #braindamage #MemoryLoss per #Thymatron user manual. @ptsafetyNHS @CCQI_ @rcpsych @LisaTra1 https://twitter.com/NickWebb30/status/1247484343561273345
Last time #ECTAS updated accrediation webpage is when int'l #AuditECT team began pointing out accreditation lapses on #Twitter January 26. #ECT Accreditation magically granted January 27 w/o #PatientSafety inspections. Watch what happens now! @wendyburn @rcpsych @DrAdrianJames
#PatientSafety demands #ECT suspended immediately at ALL @NHSEngland #ECTAS lapsed clinics. @CCQI_ says #ptsafetynhs priority, but amid #COVID19 nightmare, they're risking permanent #braindamage #MemoryLoss whilst no one watching. @ptsafetyNHS #AuditECT
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