ARMYS! We're known for being extremely charitable in times of need, right? Considering the entire world is panicking over the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of creators on youtube are holding a fundraiser called #HopeFromHome. Read the thread below to learn about it!
Hundreds of creators on youtube are going to be doing charity livestreams to each raise 30,000 USD to split between 3 nonprofit organisations (Covid 19 Solidarity Response Fund, United Way and Red Nose Day) which wish to fund the resources needed to save us in this pandemic.
This includes finances in general, feeding the hungry and helping those who have been directly affected by the virus in one way or the other. Jay (Kubz Scouts on youtube) has made a video on this too, and Jacksepticeye had made tweets about it too.
Remember, the project is called #HopeFromHome; creators are using this hashtag on social media and youtube. Please help all the youtubers streaming for this cause, whether it's by spreading the word or donating as much as you can. Let's fight covid-19 with solidarity.
You can follow @sunrisenamu.
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