#CoronaVirus (a REALLY long but totally worth it thread)

It's here, and I feel the weight of its presence.
It's time to hang on tight, time to hold on to one another. The coming days are going to be hard, we are going to start losing people and it's going to happen quickly and unexpectedly
and our ability to grieve in the ways that we normally do is going to be completely out of the question. This is going to be really hard, please keep an eye on your friends and loved ones, check in with people regularly, and please be honest if you're not doing ok.
It's ok to not be ok, and it couldn't be more understandable right now. I don't know how hard this is going to be for myself yet, I struggle so much when I am powerless to help.
I want to hug so many of my friends right now and reassure them, I want to hug strangers right now and thank them for going to work and facing this every day for us. I want to hug the world right now and promise that it's all going to be ok
but I know that it's so much more complicated than that. As we navigate these next few weeks please try to remember that people around us are all going through something, that while we are impassioned right now
corona is not a political issue it's a humanitarian issue, and we are all doing the best we can. If I could ask for just one thing it would be this:
Can we not wait for the fire to burn to ashes to be struck by the magnitude of this, and to realize the equality we seem to only feel in our grief?
Can we step forward into this difficult time with the intention of remaining KIND? If you need someone to listen if you need someone to talk to or someone to help you find some help... IF YOU CAN READ THIS ...REACH OUT I AM HERE #Covid19 #CoronavirusPandemic #Coronavirus
End of Thread.

Stay Safe, Stay Home, Stay Healthy <3
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