Cancer patients in chemo have four times the out-of-pocket expenses as other patience I have been and chemo since 2016 and I have exhausted all my resources I no longer pay for my monthly life extending chemo
PayPal [email protected]
Venmo @Robert-Gillespie-23
CashApp $MarcoDad
I have spent my life savings sold my home even most of my possessions pay for my cancer fight my out-of-pocket expenses are $5,000 to $12,000 monthly the only way I can stay in treatment it's by seeking donations from friends and strangers
It's exhausting and humiliating to do this and is an extreme burden but I have to do so not so much for me but for my son and his only parent he needs me I would do anything to spend more time with him
Please join my fight help help me more life and me and my son my precious time together please donate now it means so much to me & my son
PayPal [email protected]
Venmo @Robert-Gillespie-23
CashApp $MarcoDad
Treatment deposit deadline is on Thursday we're still a ways away we really need to hit our elevated goal today can you please help share this thread if possible Reach Out directly do friends colleagues or family who might be able to help I will miss treatment if we miss deadline
Desperately need strong start today we absolutely have to have this it's a little bit more than we normally set as a goal but have no choice our other fundraisers were cancelled so I need your help more than ever we need that first donation as early as we can get it
Very grateful to everyone for all their support the kind words sharing this thread reaching out to people directly and of course the hospital is even more grateful for your donations😁
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