how exactly did "give us hydroxychloroquine & azithromycin, the secret cure that the MSM refuses to talk about" become a right-wing fixation? Is this purely a Trump-inspired thing? (There's *some* evidence that h+azt *may* reduce viral load/infection, but it's thin & preliminary)
The idea that medications such as these can sometimes help suppress a virus is well-established. Which is why scientists have been investigating their effectiveness vs. COVID-19 for a few months. But if u look at the literature, the samples sizes are small, & results inconsistent
when I push ppl on this, I get a mix of (1) "but I know a doc who takes it" (2) I bet u hate trump (3) here's a Dr Oz video (4) I don't trust media, so I believe the *opposite*, & (5) anti-"globalist" conspiracism. I'd love for h/azt to be a miracle drug. But this stuff is absurd
I've spent weeks interviewing covid19 docs and reading their papers. The idea that legions of these dedicated specialists are ignoring a cure in plain sight, which could save hundreds of thousands of lives, just bcuz they hate trump...That's loony. And an insult to their efforts
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