[1/?] This is a thread of issues I’ve experienced with some people on twitter.
And I acknowledge that a lot of people here are young teens that don’t know what they’re doing yet.-
People make mistakes and we always have more to learn. People can improve.
I just hope they make better choices in the future.-
All I’m trying to do here is inform you about some things that have happened, so you can make an informed decision on wether or not you want to follow or support these individuals.

That’s all.
I won’t, however, be name calling, because I’m not trying to get you to pick sides, or harass anyone.
That’s not the way to handle this.

I simply want you to be aware of certain events so you can decide for yourself what you want to do, and can then feel safe and stay safe.
This is not about popularity, follower counts, making people pick sides, or anything petty and irrelevant like that.
I’m just tired of hiding things that happened. I want to be honest about everything.-
So please don’t attack anybody, just read everything here and decide for yourself what you want to do.
Story 1: I came across a post where someone was asking their followers to tell them if they followed or were being followed by any troublesome people.
I had heard a lot about someone called Chibiirose. I had done lots of research on that person and decided I didn’t want to support them. So I wanted to let this person know about Chibiirose, to try and help make them aware.
Then I received these replies.
This individual’s bio said he’s in his 20s.
I feel he acted like a 5 year old.
Another thing he did before these comments came about was that he put my name in his bio WITHOUT ASKING.
I guess he just decided on his own that we were “friends.”
That made me very uncomfortable and was quite strange. Apparently he still does this.
I’m sorry if I said something in a way that upset him this badly, but I still don’t think this was the right way to handle it.
I wasn’t trying to say “don’t support her” I said I did my research, made my choice, and I wanted to warn others about what she was accused of.
Plus he was always overly affectionate and that made me uncomfortable too. Really creeped me out.
Again, this is just to make others aware of things that have happened and can happen. I want you all to be safe, think things through for yourself, and please please be kind to those around you.
Don’t attack anybody, that’s not the way to handle things and it only makes things worse.
You may ask me for the accounts of people I‘ll be talking about in this thread.
I will send you their account names in a DM if you decide you wish to block them.

The choice is always yours.
You can follow @HyperInfiniteS.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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