When #PayamMohammadi was arrested, me & many others in #Iran's opposition media reported on that. It has turned out he has not only been arrested rather he was an informant of #IRGC Intel Org. He has helped arrest of 8 prominent critics of regime last month.That includes @ _Cafe!
#PayamMohammadi was arrested by the regime & turned into an informant. He had romantic relationship with tens of Iranian critics of the regime! His job was to find identity of anonymous bloggers & critics of regime & also to spy on celebrities such as #MahnazAfshar & her husband!
This is the thread on how #PayamMohammadi was helping Intelligence Organization of #IRGC! https://twitter.com/BrdMim/status/1246406680012873728
#MahnazAfshar, a pro-Islamic Regime celebrity who was married to Yassin Ramin (a medicine smuggler)was in hit list of #IRGC Intel Org due to being close to reformist party of the regime. #PayamMohammadi was close friend of Yassin Ramin & this is why #IRGC turned him into informant
This is @_Cafe a prominent critic and anti-regime blogger who had 81,200 followers on Twitter. He was arrested recently after #PayamMohammadi revealed his identity to #IRGC Intelligence Organization. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:tN81tvS6BJMJ:https://twitter.com/_cafe%3Flang%3Dgl+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
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