hi guys👻 if i nak share pasal skincare ada yang nak baca ke🥺 i’ve helped a lot of people yang ada banyak masalah with their skin and sekarang dah peloles 🥰 ( nanti i bagi gambar sorang dari dorang okay! ) sooooooooo, 5rt i share 😬♥️
okay dah lebih 5 retweets. thankyou! okay let me start🥰♥️ i akan introduce dekat korang 10 step nak jadi flawless!
first of all, you really really need to check your “lifestyle”. tidur cukup tak? terlebih ke terkurang? minum air cukup tak? makan buah tak as your vitamin? and banyak lagi! environment korang semua lah👻 i ada tips macam mana nak tahu korang minum air tu cukup tak untuk badan -
korang. okay first korang pergi timbang berat badan and ÷ 25. then you guys akan dapat berapa liter air korang kena minum🥰
okay second, korang ada tak “ basic skincare routine”? apa tu? okay basic yang korang WAJIB ada cleanser, moisturiser and sunscreen okay!
next i nak kenalkan korang dengan double cleansing method! korang kena cuci muka 2 kali. 2 jenis cleanser okay? first is oil cleanser and second is water-based cleanser.
1. Oil cleanser

oil cleanser ni untuk cuci segala makeup, sunscreen and everythinglah yang berminyak dekat muka tuuuu

for oil cleanser, i guna Seaberry Skin Nutrition Cleansing Oil from Fresh 🌼
but i nak recommend juga this oil cleanser that really good! i’ve tried this before and it’s good! much more cheaper than fresh hehe🥰
2. Water-based cleanser.

i’ve tried a lot!! but i ada 2 water-based cleanser that is my favourite hehe tapi now i pakai 1 jelah.

jeng jeng...

i serious recommendkan korang pakai either this two🥰 for now i pakai coalface cleanser sebab much cheaper and worth every penny🥳
okay habis pasal cleanser. next is exfoliator! eh? apa tu exfoliator??
3. Exfoliator

Basically, exfoliator ni proses nak buang sel kulit mati dekat kulit! okay contoh exfoliator yang i guna is oatmeal scrub and mask by st ives. but remember! kita boleh scrub muka only 2-3 kali in a week. takboleh lebih.
“penting ke exfoliate ni?” if korang tertanya macamni let me tell you. kalau tak exfoliate, dia akan jadi salah satu punca jerawat, pores tersumbat, dullness, kulit takbermaya, kasar and semua tu. and then kadang korang try satu skincare ni sebab orang lain guna okay je sampai -
korang tak, hmm maybe sebab tak exfoliate la tuuuuu. kulit dah banyak sangat sel kulit mati so dia jadi teballl. hehe so my fav is
4. Toner.

toner ni for me nak kata wajib tu takada la but penting. especially for those yang suka makeup tebal or rasa kulit asyik kering. toner juga akan kembalikan pH kulit kita! so yeah that is one of the reason why you kena pakai toner.-
my favourite toner since forever is Hada Labo Premium Hydrating Lotion. skintype i combination and bahagian pipi selalu kering so i takpernah skip toner🥰
5. Essence.

Basic function of essence is for hydration and brighter skin and some of the products ada benefit lain. Depends on the product. mine is Rosa Glow Treatment Essence by Kayman Beauty. im in love dengan essence ni sebab dia buat kulit i jadi sekata and brighten 🥰
6. Serum

Serum ni for treats problem areas. i ada pakai serum from kayman beauty which is Skintella repairing serum. im in love with it sebab kalau tumbuh jerawat i letak dekat jerawat tu esok dia dah kecut!!! but normally i pakai satu muka je terus setiap hari. tak salah pun😛
7. Sheet mask

okay guys. i am a fan of sheet mask and sangat cerewet🙄 ada sheet mask tu oily sangat lah. terlampau banyak air la and macam macam la. so i ada 2 favourite sheetmask and affordable!!
first is sheet mask from dr. morita!! weh sumpah suka lepas pakai tu rasa lembab lembab je mukaaaaa😍 second is Kayman beauty Golden Cocoon Multi Element Mask (MEM) okay istg ni pun 😍 serious best and worth it!!! nnt kulit rasa toink toink toink je😛
8. Eye cream

Yesssss eye cream! eye cream ni depends on orang. but nak cantik taknak lah ada dark circle or eye bag :( hilang seri wajah. i sukaaa sangat eye cream from Deoproce, Pomegranate Eye Cream. dia like sejukkan mata i tau🥰🥰-
biasanya after pakai eye cream i akan ambil 2 spoon and letak dalam peti ais freezer and biarkan around 10-15 minutes. bagi dia betul betul sejuk tau and eye cream tadi dah kering. then ambil spoon tu letak bawah mata korang sampai la dia hilang sejuk or sampai korang rasa okay
9. Moisturiser

moisturiser sangat sangat lah penting ya! sangat penting. it’s for your skin. i suka Hada Labo Premium Whitening Water Cream! lepas pakai rasa lembut sangat muka and well hydrated! 🥰
10. Sunscreen [ Day only ]

Last but not the least is sunscreen. sunscreen ni penting tau. actually wajib! takkisah la you ni perempuan or lelaki! takde istilah lelaki takperlu pakai skincare okay. matahari takkenal pun korang lelaki atau perempuanMy favourite sunscreen ada dua-
first Allie and second Aneesa. kulit i susah nak burn kalau pakai antara satu tu🥰 and yep! korang wajib reapply sunscreen around 4 hours okay!
okay that’s my 10 steps skincare routine🥰 i harap dapat bantu korang lah. my skintype is combination. if anyone nak tanya anything or nak i try tolong korang i boleh! just dm me okay? 🥰 and here antara my friend yang i tolong dia dapatkan kulit flawless balik😍
kisahnya, at first salah pakai skincare then kena chickenpox pula🥺 as you guys know, kesan chickenpox paling awal boleh pudar around 6-12 months if guna bio oil. but i challenge kawan i try kayman and korang tahu tak???? 3-4 months only kulit dia dah okay.-
kesan chickenpox pun dah pudar😍 ni boomerang muka dia time kena chickenpox.
and korang jangan terkejut hehe ni muka dia sekarang!!😍
sorry if asyik guna saya la i la apa la hahahaha bercampur. but i hope this thread boleh tolong korang! im sorry if ada salah. sila betulkan. i just kongsi based on my own experience! thankyou sebab baca🥰 if anything nak i tolong just dm me okay?🥳
and hai! this is my skin without and with makeup😛😋

Without With
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