Starting in less than 20 minutes, @OHSupremeCourt’s first video-conferences oral arguments.
Classy. The chief stated out by thanking a lot of staff by name.
First lawyer to get to argue via video.
Justice French gets the award for first question.
Only one question during the first 7 or 8 minutes. That seems unusually. The Chief just jumped in with a question and two follow ups.
I’d be interested in knowing what the lawyer is seeing.
Interesting substantive question—if by contract, you limit your interest in a property to one activity, you have a regulatory taking of that interest because you can’t do anything else with the property.
If you say the other side didn’t raise an argument, the other side shouldn’t be able to say look at page 20-22 of our motion for summary judgement where we raised the same arguments with the same citations.
Something for future arguments—lawyers and judges need to know what’s been added to the screen on the bottom.
In the second argument, Justices Donnelly and Fischer tried to ask a question at the same time. The attorney asked which justice she was speaking with. The screen cut to Justice Donnelly, who deferred to his colleague.
It would be interesting to know how the screen changes are made. Is the computer program doing it? Or does the Chief pick which camera to turn on?
Defense counsel just lost the connection. They are taking a break to try to fix it.
They've restarted but they're still playing the intermission music and showing the courtroom clock.
The audio is now only the lawyer and justices (no more waltz in the background), but they're still just showing the courtroom clock.
Now, there’s no video of defense counsel. When he speaks, we just see this.
(As an aside, this is NOT a criticism of anyone. We’re all trying to figure out how to do this. And overall, this is going decently.)
The prosecutor said that she lost her video feed so she also lost the display of how much time she had remaining. We have the same "CO" screen up for her.
Recess called. Back to the waltz music.
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